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Patterns In Practice Press Conference

(Video courtesy of Never Stop Media LLC)

Milwaukee - Theodore Edgecomb Verdict Response And Press Conference at City Hall

There's a call for Judge David Borowski and Assistant District Attorney Grant Huebner who both presided over Khalif A. Love's case to be removed and investigated for how cases have been handled under their authority.

Khalif A. Love, 32, was found guilty 11 years ago of first degree reckless homicide and being a felon in possession of a firearm in connection with the death of Jarrell D. Johnson.

Johnson, 25, was fatally shot outside Tasnique's near the corner of N. 27th St. and Atkinson Ave. early on Feb. 6.

A witness told police he saw three armed men exit the bar and that two of them fired repeatedly at Johnson as he ran away. Police recovered 17 shell casings from two different weapons at the scene. The other two suspects have not been charged.

Love was charged about 10 days later with being a felon in possession of a firearm and held on $300,000 bail. He had been convicted in 2003 of reckless injury and being a felon with a gun in connection with a 2001 shooting.

After a preliminary hearing and arraignment, a judge ordered Love to have no contact with several people and raised the bail to $500,000.

In October, prosecutors added the charge of first degree reckless homicide, party to a crime, use of dangerous weapon, as a repeater. Love demanded a speedy trial, and it began Oct. 31.

Circuit Judge David Borowski had to issue warrants for at least three witnesses who failed to appear, and twice admonished spectators in the gallery about disruptions, according to minutes of the trial.


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